BIOL 1406

PreLab 1.8

How do I organize data in a table?

As mentioned previously, one of the major advantages of describing observations quantitatively rather than qualitatively is that quantitative observations can be analyzed using mathematical and statistical techniques.  This analysis can provide valuable information about the random variables we are studying and the exact relationships between those variables.  In the remaining sections of the Prelab for Exercise #1, we will focus on a number of important principles and techniques involved in analyzing quantitative data.


Often, one of the first steps in analyzing data is to organize it in a table.  A table is an orderly presentation of data aligned in columns and rows.  In the table below the data are organized in 2 columns and 6 rows. Tables often help us see relationships between the variables being studied. The table below, for example, clearly shows that as time increases, culture density also increases:

Table 1.  Change in cell density of E. coli when cultured at 37 oC in nutrient broth
  Time (minutes)    Culture density (cells/mL)
0 100
20 198
40 422
60 796
80 1605
100 3212

    IMPORTANT:  All tables MUST have a descriptive title that explains the data in the table, and each column MUST have a descriptive header complete with the units of measurement. 


Your Turn

Suppose you are studying the relationship between surface area and volume, and have done the following calculations:  A cube of 1 cm  x  1 cm  x  1 cm  has a volume of 1 cm3 and a surface area of 6 cm2 .  The ratio of surface area to volume is 6.00.  A cube of 2 cm  x  2 cm  x  2 cm  has a volume of 8 cm3 and a surface area of 24 cm2 .  The ratio of surface area to volume is 3.00.  A cube of 3 cm  x  3 cm  x  3 cm has a volume of 27 cm3 and a surface area of 54 cm2.  The ratio of surface area to volume is 2.00.  A cube a 4 cm  x  4 cm  x  4 cm has a volume of 64 cm3 and a surface area of 96 cm2.  The ratio of surface area to volume is 1.50.  A cube of 5 cm  x  5 cm  x  5 cm has a volume of 125 cm3 and a surface area of 150 cm2.  The ratio of surface area to volume is 1.20.  A cube of 6 cm  x  6 cm  x  6 cm has a volume of 216 cm3  and a surface area of 216 cm2.  The ratio of surface area to volume is 1.00.  A cube of 7 cm  x  7 cm  x  7 cm has a volume of 343 cm3  and a surface area of 294 cm2.  The ratio of surface area to volume is 0.86.  A cube of 8 cm  x  8 cm  x  8 cm has a volume of 512 cm3 and a surface area of 384 cm2.  The ratio of surface area to volume is 0.75.

Use the table below to organize the data from the preceding paragraph. In the first row (YELLOW cell) enter a title that makes it clear what type of information is being displayed in the table. In the second row (GREEN cells) enter appropriate column headings complete with units of measurement. Finally, in the remaining rows (BLUE cells) enter the data from the previous paragraph.


Check your answer.
Which is the easier to study and understand: the paragraph or the table?

Check your answer.


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